What is TÜV Certification?

TÜV (short for Technischer Überwachungsverein in German, which means Technical Inspection Association) is a European auditing and certification body that in our case, ensures wheels manufactured for sale in certain European Countries (primarily Germany, Switzerland and Austria) meet International Regulations (ECE), EC (European Community) directives, and German Motor Traffic Agency (KBA) road traffic legislation.

These associations are independent companies that test, inspect, and certify technologies, products, and systems to ensure potential hazards and prevent damages. TÜV testing does not only cover wheels, it is a type of certification process which covers everything from electrical appliances to toys.

The aim of the TÜV Association is to improve the technical and digital safety of vehicles, products, systems and services through independent assessments.

At Iconic Alloys, we're proud to supply TÜV approved items for your assurance of a quality and thoroughly tested product.

The Maxilite wheel ranges are manufactured in a TÜV-Approved factory alongside other OEM wheels for major manufacturers. Individual wheel certificates for these are available upon purchase.